.All communication is done through EBAY MESSAGES ONLY. If any question, please feel free to contact us via "Ask seller a question" or "Contact Seller",We try our best to reply to your emails as soon as possible, due to high volume of daily incoming emails and time zone difference, we may not be able to reply your emails immediately. Please allow 1-2 business days for us to response.
.We left positive feedback for you after receiving payment. Your feedback is very important for us, positive feedback and 5 Star DSR is highly appreciated.
.Please let us know before leaving any negative feedback or 1 point, 2 point low DSR or open any disputes on Ebay, please give us the opportunity to resolve any problems and we will try our best to satisfy your needs.
.We are always striving to offer our customers high product quality, reasonable prices, excellent customer service and a reliable credit standing. If you like our products, please add my eBay shop to your "My Favorites" list.
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